The rhythm of modern life requires a man to be able to show his strength and superiority. For many people, the complexes prevent them from reaching great heights. One of the main complexes of the male half of the population is sexual problems, a small penis. About 40-50% of all men are satisfied with the size of their penises. This leads to inferiority complex, psychological disorders and often premature impotence.
The statistically normal length of the penis varies between 13 and 17 centimeters. However, almost every full-fledged man will answer that he wanted his penis to be closer to 20 centimeters in length.
Available medical methods include several options for penis enlargement:
- medical methods;
- surgical intervention;
- application of hardware methods.
If medications and other methods of genital augmentation do not have the expected positive effect, or if you do not want to undergo a long course of treatment, they use a method of genital augmentation.
Surgical interventions are aimed at increasing the width or length of the penis. For a long time, the classic surgical extension of the penis is performed due to the release of its hidden part under the skin. Classical surgery requires careful preparation, a long recovery period, and there are risks of side effects. Like adhesive processes at the site of intervention.
The modern procedure used to lengthen the penis surgically is called ligamentotomy and is the most common and safest method. There is also a technique for surgical thickening of the penis using different exposure options. It is possible to use two methods at the same time to increase the thickness and length of the penis.
Do not confuse penis enlargement with plastic surgery. During plastic surgery, only the appearance and size change, but erectile function is impaired, there is no positive aspect other than changing the size. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting augmentation procedures and carefully choose the possible intervention option.
Enlargement of penis length

The most dissatisfied in men is related to the length of the penis. Therefore, surgical augmentation with ligamentum thymus is the only way to lengthen the penis quickly and safely.
It ranks first in the number of operations performed on the genitals. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, lasting no more than an hour. Indications for ligamentotomy:
- penis size is less than average (about 10-13 centimeters);
- a person's dream, regardless of its original size;
- pathological conditions: epispadias, hypospadias, congenital curvature of the penis, injury.
The operation is performed in several ways: scrotal and pubic. The groin method was initially used, and unlike the testicle, there were scars in the form of scars after the operation, which lasted longer. Recently, thoracic surgery has become more common, and this practice is used in many clinics that operate on the genitals with surgery.
Preparation before surgery

As with any surgical procedure, careful preparation for surgery is required.
Possible contraindications, the possibility of using general anesthesia, allergic reactions to drugs are identified.
A thorough examination of the patient is scheduled, in which blood, liver, kidney function and heart function are examined. An anesthesiologist is consulted.
You should avoid eating and drinking on the day of ligamentotomy.
A highly qualified doctor is required. The cost of penis enlargement surgery is also very high. As a result, the penis grows about 5 cm.
Despite the various methods, the operation is considered a risky enterprise, the expected result will not always be obtained.
Penis lengthening is based on incision along the middle suture of the testicle or in the groin area of the uterus. The length of the body increases due to the release of the part hidden under the penis. During the operation, the space between the inner part of the genitals and the abdomen is filled with connective tissue formed during the healing process. Thanks to this process, the length of the penis can be increased.
The remaining suture heals quickly enough and leaves almost no trace. All procedures are very safe, so blood vessels and muscles are not affected, erectile and reproductive function is not impaired.
After the surgical procedure, a traction device should be worn for the required 3 weeks to prevent side effects. Without use, the unconnected connective tissue can return the penis to its original size.

An important point to correct the effect is the use of an expander to further increase the size of the penis. Some clinics offer use from the first day of surgery, but most doctors use it 3-4 weeks after surgery. After ligamentotomy, the length of the genitals increases by an average of 2-2, 5 centimeters, and when used in conjunction with an expander for 2-8 hours a day, the organ grows by 5-6 centimeters. Its durability varies to varying degrees depending on the desired effect. The average application period is about 3-4 months. In the postoperative period, you should abstain from sexual intercourse for at least 3 weeks and carefully monitor hygiene.
- does not adversely affect male arousal function;
- does not cause infertility;
- does not affect the function of urine;
- there are virtually no complications;
- pretty fast results.
Penis traction is possible by wearing a single expander, but the resizing process will be long enough to increase the length to 9 months. In addition, you will have to use this device for 9-12 hours a day. With this option, the member stretches 3-5 centimeters.
Enlargement of the diameter of the penis
In addition to the complexions associated with the length of the penis, the desire of men to increase the size of the penis is very common. The thickening procedure is a bit complicated because the penis has a well-developed innervation and blood supply system. Therefore, poor quality surgery threatens the risk of postoperative complications.
Before performing all the necessary procedures, a man should consult a thorough surgeon, urologist and anesthesiologist and undergo a thorough examination.

There are several ways to thicken the penis. They are based on the transplantation of various materials under the skin of the penis.
There are 3 main types:
- Transplantation of the patient's own tissue wing. Part of the muscle is taken from the anterior abdominal wall and placed under the skin of the penis.
- Application of biological matrix from polymeric materials. A polymer mass is implanted in the penis, which allows the patient's tissues to grow spontaneously and then take root in the body.
- Use of fillers by injection. Through injections, certain chemicals or the patient's own adipose tissue enter, giving volume to the penis.
The man chooses for himself a more convenient and practical way to thicken the penis. Depending on the choice, the outcome depends on the extent and timing of the outcome.
The first method was the transplantation of human tissues. This procedure gives a guaranteed, long-lasting result with an increase in thickness. Implanted tissues eventually become a full-fledged part of the body, having a joint blood supply. The disadvantages are that you need to be careful of postoperative complications, refrain from active sexual activity for a long time and be under medical supervision.
The most common method used by clinics is implantation of a polymer biomatrix. Within a year, the matrix takes root completely, the tissues of the body enter it, and an almost lifelong effect is seen. You can have sex after 2 months.
Injection procedures are the safest for the human body. The time is minimal, the whole process takes about half an hour. The recovery period is short: after 2-4 days, the man can have active sexual intercourse. However, there are some disadvantages. The main thing is that the positive effect is very short-lived, lasting about six months. Then, you will have to perform repeated procedures to enlarge the body.

In addition to deviations in length and width, there are a number of other anatomical features, including curvature and deformation of the penis. Indications for prosthetics are various injuries and birth defects in the limb.
A surgical procedure called a penis prosthesis is used. In addition to restoring the size and shape of the penis, erectile function can be restored, there is an increase in the length of the genitals due to the prosthesis.
It is common to use 3 types of prostheses:
- rigid prostheses;
- plastic prostheses;
- inflatable prostheses.
The first is the most convenient and simple. There is a constant feeling of erection, which makes it difficult to lead an active lifestyle with rigid prostheses. A more sophisticated and practical prosthesis is plastic. The penis takes a natural position and has a memory thanks to a metal rod. The most common and modern are inflatable prostheses. Allows you to use the wake-up function or relax.
The member regains its lost function for sexual life thanks to prostheses. Prosthetic methods are very popular among men with pathological conditions of the reproductive system.